
The banner only appears at the bottom or top of the page when you are in the application. The height of the banner is 250 pixels.

In the “Banner” tab there is a list of possible settings for this set of banners :

  • “Enabled” (Y/N)
  • “Banner position” : up or down
  • “Automatic scrolling every X seconds”. Enter a value
  • “Limit to X views” this number is linked to the smartphone.
  • “Limit to X clicks” on the ad, number always linked to the smartphone

Add a banner

To add a banner click on “Add a media” it appears:

Enter :

  • Wording
  • “Type of image”: for now, always stay on “Image”.
  • “Media” : click on “Choose a file” then select your image
  • “Redirection on click”: if needed, redirection of the application on an element
  • “Activated: (Y/N)
Attention : the dimensions of this banner must respect a ratio of 1500×250 pixels. And to make sure that your image is not “truncated” at the top and bottom, we advise you not to enter anything important on a banner at the top and bottom of 30 pixels each.
Once created, it is possible to add other banners by clicking on the “Add a media” button.